SUNDAYS | 10:00am
Our CP Tots program is geared towards preschool-aged kids. While you’re enjoying your worship experience, your child will have the opportunity to learn about Jesus through interactive playtime, songs, stories, a short lesson, crafts, and snacks.

SUNDAYS | 10:00am
Your elementary-aged children will have the opportunity to worship with you during the first half of the church service before being dismissed to participate in an age-appropriate time of teaching, small group discussion, and games/activities while you hear from one of our pastors free from distraction.

SUNDAYS | 10:00am
Our nursery volunteers will love and care for your little ones and ensure that they have a fun, safe experience while you enjoy the worship service. Our goal is to provide a home-like atmosphere where your babies and toddlers will feel loved and look forward to coming each week.
Wednesdays |
6:00 - 8:00PM
R.E.A.L Girls is a group specifically geared for 6th - 8th grade girls. The focus of this ministry is to help girls take lessons from the Bible and apply them while hanging out with their friends and having fun. We are striving to be Relational, Exalting, Authentic, and Loving - R.E.A.L.